Hong Kong is part of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) with a lot of business potentials. If you are considering to set up your business in Hong Kong or would like to ensure you have maintain your company properly, this is the must-attend event for you!
Join us at this event to learn practical tips about how to set up and maintain your Hong Kong company in a cost effective and ensure it is compliant with relevant regulations.
Who should attend
Anyone who is interested to learn about how to set up and maintain a HK company in a compliant and cost effective way.
Kitty Lau - Director, KernelBiz
Kitty is the Director of KernelBiz. Prior in joining KernelBiz, she has worked in the Hong Kong corporate services industry since 2006 and have track records in assisting many overseas expats and local business to set up their business presence in Hong Kong. She is keen on sharing her knowledge and networks to the startup community.
About KernelBiz
KernelBiz is a licensed corporate service provider based in HK that provides one-stop company formation and post formation corporate services to both local and international clients interested in setting up their business in Hong Kong.
KernelBiz ensures everything is done in a cost effective and in compliant with relevant regulations so clients can focus on growing their business.
About Garage Academy
Garage Academy is Garage Society’s knowledge-sharing platform with a mission to nurture the leaders of the new generation workforce through a wide curation of classes, workshops and community events rooted in innovation and emerging technologies.
Join our digital community Garage Commons now to connect with fellow entrepreneurial minds, build your personal & professional skill set, and innovate & grow your business!